Tuesday 26 July 2011


Modern Tribalism or Nepotism.

If you closely read through African histories, you’ ill find that we have never been able to run our governments or kingships under the true principles of democracy. Our leaders like to think and even act like gods! They feel and think that they alone understand what’s good for their people and that their reigns are pre-ordained. So they orchestrate freedoms and other human rights to happen under their terms.
It’s like furnishing a prison with luxuries and then convincing the inmates that actually they are not incarcerated at all and that this is “home”!!! Then one would want to know what freedom is really like if a furnished prison is called home.

For a person who is in prison, all that matters is freedom to be home. It won’t matter whether he sleeps on a bare floor or on an empty stomach, all that matters is the sense of being home and free.

Dictators, dictate lives of their subjects. Day by day they try hard and apply all their best efforts to make their captives feel at home. They give them daily cash handouts, build them nice houses, buy them nice cars and mostly feed their mind with a strand of propaganda that all is fine and they can “rest assured”!!?
The only thing they forget is the relativity of the human spirit.

How can I enjoy nice food, a warm bed at night, enjoy the company of the “elites”, when dozens of innocent souls are languishing at the back yards of our so called beautiful cities? How can I enjoy nice love ballads when someone is screaming of pain in some torture chambers just because he defined freedom with a different dictionary than ours, how can I feel noble when half of our streets are filled with beggars in ragged clothings? Why do you tell me this is okay or that those are just criminals and terrorists who only want to take that which is mine!!? What is mine?

Aren’t they my fellow men and women who deserve the right to a good life? Why do we have to push metallic pins under their tongues and finger-nails whenever they demand us of their freedoms to life? Why do I feel weak whenever I look at their unending suffering? Please tell me if you’re really human. Someone tell me…………..

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