Tuesday 7 February 2012


Crime; an act committed or omitted in violation of the Law. While definition of Law, a rule especially an established or permanent rule prescribed by the supreme power of a state to its subjects.
As you can see the definition of crime strongly depends on how the state machinery best describes Law. If blue is red according to the state dictionary of the Law, then red it is. In actual sense of things, this used to be the original trend. Governments were a true reflection of society. Community members could easily relate with their leaders thus creating a bond of understanding and respect towards each other’s interests through the Law.
The Law was meant to act as a buffer zone between society and government but not a sticky finger flat foot boogie man sneaking in shadows behind our backs waiting for moments when we are most vulnerable and then strike. No. Prescription of the Law to society by the state is to save it from itself. This only remains pure as long as the state maintains its position of sovereignty. Partiality or Nepotism in government businesses only undermines the Law and Order in society thus compromising a Nation’s sovereign freedoms.

In the 20th century, crime was a result to some biological abnormalities and was always carried around by minority misfits of society. Research and investigation by state actors have been always designed to hunt down “bring to justice” the offender but not solving source or cause of crime. Investigation departments collect substantial evidences and facts pertaining to the crime committed or about to be committed, then the state Prosecution department will work hand in hand with investigation organs of the state in presenting “their” case to a court of Law and convincing members of the jury beyond reasonable doubt into handing down a conviction to the culprit. If the offender is found guilty by members of the jury, then according to the Law, it’s all up to them to decide whether to pardon, punish or rehabilitate the offender.
 Looking closely at this system designed to handle crime while maintaining Law and Order, one is shocked to learn that nothing was ever designed to prevent citizens into going against the Law or not to re-offend again! Take for example the justice system in Uganda which is set to trap arrogant Ugandans who form about 80% into forcefully breaking the set Laws of the state!!!! Some Laws are set as a contribution to the National treasury fund, a source of malicious revenue while others as tools to oppress the opposition. There have others incidents where Laws have been fabricated overnight with intentions of rough handling religious groups, political opponents, while other times many crimes have been committed but when there are no proper Laws to condemn the acts. In such circumstances, the Law has been misused or in worse scenarios, totally made crippled and unable to operate. 
The sole purpose of the Law is to define crime and to see that order in our communities is maintained. This interpretation simply means that a perfect balance must be maintained between the state’s Law machine and the crime enterprise. But many times, the crime enterprise has been a couple of steps ahead from the Law!!!
I have been privileged to have physical and personal encounters with some members the crime industry. Revelations of my journey into this secret physical and spiritual dimension of crime was astonishing. Rapidity of innovativeness, complexity of skills, application of time and resources just employed to by-pass, out smart, out run and prove the Law inferior!!!!!!!!!!???
This hasn’t been the same on the state’s side. There is this problem of ignorance towards crime due to its always constant lack of enthusiast Law scholars, resources and the general will of the state to embrace changing times. Governments have deliberately chosen to cherish the illusion of thinking that crime in the 21th century still carries the same old face and genetic code of yesterday. Criminal behavior is viewed as a pawn of biological, psychological or social forces beyond our control or reason. Psychotic states, manic depressions, Neurosis, various psychopathic personality disorders. With this kind of approach, the criminal is considered to be sick, abnormal and inferior.
Evolution of crime in the 21th century has proven this sort of understanding to be wrong, but again, as in any business enterprise this ignorance by the Law makers is quickly utilized as a valuable resource. To disguise crime, deceive Law enforcers and divert or avoid justice.
Radical steps into solving the problem of the invincible criminal enterprise have been much achieved and exhibited in cyber space.  Here, black hat hackers are employed by governments or private organizations to fight other hackers or employed to study various hacking software and help developers of cyber security products into best understanding the black hat hacker’s attack strategy and vulnerabilities. This completely new and different approach towards solving modern day crime has indeed proven to be more effective in dealing with mutations of cyber space crime in absence of proper Laws to counter criminal behavior.

Crime in modern society is likened to a virus that has gone through many transmutation processes and evolved into a whole new different species than that we used to know. I believe that it is time now for governments to adapt to current trends in fighting crime with preventive measures and not just punishing or rehabilitating the offender. Prevention is always better than cure and knowledge is more precious than the finest gold and silver. Avoiding reality while demonizing our enemy’s victories rather than learning some lessons out of it and maybe next time get to win, won’t make us any different.
Crime has evolved to new heights so must the LAW.

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