Saturday 30 July 2011


During the early 1940s, Europe was fighting a war with itself on reasons that were related to the Global territorial division. The “Great Britain” and the United States of America were, as always, considering themselves as an Empire that had the full sovereign sense of governing the whole world!! So, as always, there were other sovereign states that couldn’t digest that idea of being puppets under a European master. As usual, the British formed allies to support their cause, next thing; they were counting on their assets of war (indoctrinated groups) they had developed in all territories around the world (colonies) under their control. This was considered an advantage by western political analysts to shout down their political opponents mostly in Europe and Asia in any political debates that would have been solved by a word of understanding each others differences.
If history has taught me anything, that would be the following; Loud mouths in political debates always cause scuffles thus fights breakout. So, the west had been a loud mouth and mostly a bully in its political dealings which lead Europe into a war that would have been avoided.

The western political ideologies have always been good at matters concerning political marketing. They do nice and perfect packaging to the naked eye, speed deliveries, guarantee of merchandise that in case of any damages, a refund or a fix in time is promised and mostly quality is much emphasized. But then, what is quality when it only belongs to hands of a few? This has proven a total failure in the western political ideology, the expense of their products to service required. Take this for example; in 1941 everyone used to say of how communism was bad for anyone and that it was the cause behind many suffering in some parts of Europe and Asia and that if not dealt with quickly, many people were destined to die!! But then later on down the road of WW2, history is stained with the biggest waste of property and human lives, both young and old, innocent unarmed civilians carrying on their lives are mercilessly murdered with the heat of an Atomic bomb thrown onto their cities in broad day light and even the whole event is captured on tape just because someone in the “western civilization” wants to make a point!!! And as if that wasn’t bad enough, in the process of dismantling the influence of communist Russia or the USSR around the world, two evils are born with more devastating power than communism itself. Opium that hit the highest peak during the Vietnam War on the streets of America, and terrorism whose weight is so big for the whole world as united as it can be to handle. Actually, drugs and terrorism are blood brothers who happen to be in the league of “who kills more, who’s boss” , and the whole planet is turned into a theatre where this mad drama is played!!!!??

Then again in the late 1970s, the United states of America is blinded by its own idle and selfish ideas of the so called “National interests” into sending their fat and spoilt child, the CIA to Afghanistan with intentions of supporting and building resistance against the Russians who were still holding on to some fragments or let-overs of the after math of WW2. They train and even go a stupid step further into arming the Mujaheedins, Islamic extremists! Later on the Mujaheedins give birth to their first born son; Osama Bin Laden who after maturing falls in love and even gets married to haters and the multitudes of enemies of the west in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Osama Bin Laden begets two sons, Al-Qaeda his first born and Al-shabab his last born before his erased from the terror drama at the global theatre. Al-Qaeda being senior runs and handles the big guns, Europe. While Al-shabab trains himself in East Africa to impress elder brother Al-Qaeda of how grown up and responsible he has become.
The west after being battered severely in this mad brothers’ game, it goes back to its old political tricks of proxy war faring. Using foolish and selfish world leaders under the spell of its influence to wear its battered face so to fool its enemies, who happen to be everywhere and later, maybe get a chance to sneak on them unaware.

Asia has proven its point wisely and nicely towards the west, though it was said that it used ill systems of governance to run its territories and that it was headed for an ugly down fall due to its huge populations, all has been proven to be nothing but a hoax and a cook up of the western media and spy agencies aimed at misinforming the rest of the world about success stories that would emerge from Asia and break their spell of lies they’ve used to control the world this long.
Africa too, is waking up slowing from the trance of western political hypnosis. She has come to learn painfully how the west has been using her all this long. How in times of need the west will only “evacuate” their people and live her to face and feed the demons the west had sold to her!! The genocide in Rwanda, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Angola, Congo, Zimbabwe and now Libya; all this has awaken Africa.

We have now known the value of our natural God given resources, oil, cooper, gold, diamonds, uranium and food crops. You might fake some revolutions among ourselves just because we’ve waken up and refused your business deals, so you call us terrorists, dictators with intent to divide and rule and even steal from us, we won’t give in this time around.

1 comment:

  1. Today some of our troops on a humanitarian mission in war torn Somalia are killed and their bodies dragged through the streets of Mogadishu, same thing they did to the Americans ten years or so ago. I come think of all this and reach a conclusion that we are being used as proxys to the west who started it all!
