Sunday 2 June 2013


All along, I have been closely listening and following several self proclaimed political analysts and enthusiasts.
Those who had a chance somewhere on the Ugandan political timeline, but again without proper reason had failed to achieve the big dream, a land flowing with milk and honey!
Others are still in possession of the cords that streamline the wheels of change, but they too without proper reason are failing miserably and are begging us to offer them yet more time on Uganda's political timeline so that they may keep testing other theories about governance and that if they fail, it would be us to swallow the bitter pill!......they are so daring and fully convinced to make a difference if only we give them more time to locate logic in their brains!!!!!

But the funniest joke is spelt when one listens to those hoping against all odds to one day be in charge of turning the wheels of change on this old rusty timeline. How they easily fly around the globe adopting or rather, copy cutting different political ideologies of more advanced societies and without any consideration of cultural diversity, come back here preaching the untested gospel of revolution!

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